Google Dorking is a technique that hackers use to find information that may have been accidentally exposed to the internet.
read moreGoogle Dorking is a technique that hackers use to find information that may have been accidentally exposed to the internet.
read moreCreate a program to reply to WhatsApp messages Opening a WhatsApp message and replying to “Good Morning” texts every day or “Thank You” messages on a special occasion to so many people can be a really monotonous and time taking task.
read moreWhat is a Backdoor ? Backdoor is a method of secretly gaining remote access to a computer by bypassing the normal authentication and firewall of the machine.
read moreWhat is a web crawler? A web crawler is a bot that crawls the internet to index and downloads the contents of websites for scraping.
read moreA Trojan horse (or Trojan) is one of the most common and dangerous types of threats that can infect your computer or mobile device.
read moreFile extension spoofing is a handy trick when creating trojans. In this blog, I will be spoofing the ‘.
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